
An innovative digital robotic device for monitoring and maintaining power lines in real time, improving the efficiency of power grids

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An innovative digital robotic device for monitoring and maintaining power lines in real time, improving the efficiency of power grids

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What is CableWalker

We create innovative solutions for diagnostics and maintenance of power lines

At the very beginning, we set a goal for ourselves: to secure and facilitate the maintenance of power lines


UAV services are much safer than the work of people on power lines


Using the CableWalker will significantly increase efficiency


The use of the system will reduce the cost of diagnostics and maintenance in hard-to-reach places

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Years of experience


Dragonfly Drone

Diagnostic platform

Spider Drone

Maintenance platform

Wasp Drone

Local repair platform

Bird diverter

service platform

Mavik 3T

Maintenance platform

Phantom pro

Maintenance platform

Complete diagnostics

- Video monitoring, magnetic scanning of ground wire, wire core, thermal imaging control, ultraviolet diagnostics, etc.

- Laser scanning of the security zone of overhead lines, including control of dimensions and woody and shrubby vegetation zone.

Transmission Line Maintenance

- Cleaning a wire or ground wire.

- Coating wires and overhead ground wires protects them from corrosion in the atmosphere or from ice and frost overlay.

- Installation of special objects on wires and ground wires (signal balls, short circuit indicators, other sensors).

Express diagnostics

- Video monitoring and magnetic scanning of ground wire.

- Laser scanning of the security zone of overhead lines, including control of woody and shrubby vegetation zone.

Local repair

- Installation of temporary repair clamps (couplings, shunts) on a wire or ground wire to fix the unweaving of the wire or ground wire.

- Preventing further unweaving of the twine.

How we work?

Drones in power and utilities makes infrastructure’s inspections faster, safer and more accurate.

Contact diagnostics of power lines Innovative diagnostic platforms allow you to identify damage and abnormalities with an accuracy of up to a meter, and your own software will help you create a 3D model, collect a report and prepare recommendations

Local repair and maintenance A new approach to the maintenance and repair of power lines using UAVs allows operations to be carried out without direct contact with the power line, which ensures safety and speed

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Tell Us About Your Project

Here's how the drone inspection process for transmission lines typically works:

Planning and Preparation

Equipment and Sensors

Data Collection

Image Analysis and Data Processing

Reporting and Maintenance Planning

Recent projects

At CableWalker, we're committed to delivering exceptional drone inspection services that provide invaluable insights and drive informed decision-making. Our recent project,exemplifies our dedication to precision, innovation, and client satisfaction.

"Drones have made our transmission line inspections quicker, safer, and more cost-effective. This technology has truly made a difference for us."

"The introduction of drones in our transmission line inspections has improved our maintenance planning and reduced downtime. It's a cost-effective and reliable solution."

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